User Consent

User Consent

You must obtain the users consent when implementing the Fleetshare SDK in your application. It’s essential to ensure that users are fully aware of and agree to share their bandwidth with EarnFM and third parties.

Importance of User Consent

  1. Legal Compliance: Obtaining consent helps ensure compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
  2. Transparency: It promotes transparency in your application’s operations and builds trust with your users.
  3. Ethical Considerations: Respecting user choice aligns with ethical practices at EarnFM.

Implementing User Consent

When implementing user consent for the Fleetshare SDK, consider the following best practices:

Clear Communication

  • Clearly explain what bandwidth sharing entails and how it benefits the user (e.g., ad-free experience, free credits).
  • Use simple, non-technical language that all users can understand.

Detailed Information

  • Offer a link to a more detailed explanation or FAQ about the bandwidth sharing process.
  • Include information about data usage, privacy considerations, and potential impacts on the user’s internet connection.

Example Consent Flow

Here’s a general flow for implementing user consent:

  1. Present consent information when the user first launches the app or before activating the Fleetshare SDK.
  2. If the user consents, proceed with SDK initialization.
  3. If the user declines, do not initialize the SDK and potentially offer alternative features.